About Us
Darwin Malayalee Association (DMA) is a not for profit community organisation started in 2008 September by a group of Darwin residents speaking Malayalam hailing from the state of Kerala located in Southern India.
The aim of the Association is to promote, preserve, and nurture the special culture and linguistic heritage of the Malayalee’s, to foster contacts and friendship among the Malayalee’s in Darwin and other parts of Australia and enrich the diverse cultural fabric of Australia with the best of Malayalee traditions.
At the outsets, DMA highlight that it would like to have unity and understanding to help each other in our society, welcome new migrants to Australia, get people in our friendly society move and mingle, take active steps in the upbringing of our family in the right manner we wish, create a classic example of our tradition and hardworking community where-ever we dwell.
Our mission is to further promote the interests of our organization and our members to the community. We strive to make a difference by educating the public and expanding our reach.
Today Malayalee community is one of the fast growing community in Darwin due to many migrants arriving from UK, Ireland and other parts of the world. Most of our members are working in medical services, which is a very demanding industry. In social services also there is a significant number of Malayalees working for welfare agencies and govt initiatives.
Being so far away from our native place, it is important to have some socio-cultural interaction with many others in society and have some events to provide entertainment and interaction. For last 5 years our functions are well participated and attended by locals and visitors. Our members had the opportunity to participate in cultural programs like India@Mindil and many other local festivals and events representing our rich culture and share friendship with wider community.
Traditionally as an organisation, we celebrate Onam, X’mas and a combined easter/vishu. Also we organise a few events like sports festival , movie shows etc which are enjoyed by most members in the organisation. We have a strong working relationship with local government bodies, Darwin city council, Indian cultural association and many other organisations in Darwin and elsewhere in Australia.At present we have around 150 members and we welcome all Malayalees who are in Darwin and those who are planning to come here to join this friendly association and be a part of our activities.